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Cranial osteopathy for children & babies

Julia Williams • Apr 12, 2023

Discover the Benefits of Cranial Osteopathy for Children and Babies

Cranial osteopathy is a form of osteopathy that focuses on the cranial bones, the sacrum, and the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord. It is a safe and effective way to help children and babies overcome a wide range of health issues, from colic and reflux to ear infections and developmental delays. In this article, I will explain what cranial osteopathy is, how it can benefit children and babies, and what to expect during a cranial osteopathy session.

What is Cranial Osteopathy?

Cranial osteopathy is a form of osteopathy that was developed in the early 1900s by Dr. William Sutherland. It is based on the idea that the bones of the skull are not fixed in place but are instead capable of small, rhythmic movements. These movements are believed to be caused by the movement of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in and around the brain and spinal cord.

During a cranial osteopathy session, the osteopath will use gentle touch and pressure to assess the movement of the cranial bones and identify tensions and blocks in the mobility of the whole body.

Cranial osteopathy for babies and children

They will then use gentle manipulations to restore normal movement and balance to the cranial bones and to the connective tissues that link every part of the body - not just the spine and the limbs, but also the chest and the tummy and the digestive organs and lungs within.  This can help to promote healing throughout the body.

Despite the name, cranial osteopathy is not just about the head!  Many cranial osteopaths now use the term '
biodynamics' to describe cranial osteopathy as it better describes what we are doing - improving the flow, balance and mobility of the whole body. 

Cranial osteopathy for babies and children

How does Cranial Osteopathy Benefit Children and Babies?

Cranial osteopathy can benefit children and babies in many ways. One of the key benefits is its ability to help the body heal itself. By restoring normal movement and balance to the cranial bones and the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord, cranial osteopathy can help to improve the function of the nervous system and promote healing throughout the body.

Cranial osteopathy can also help to relieve tension and stress in the body. This can be especially beneficial for children and babies who may be experiencing discomfort or pain due to colic, reflux, or other issues. By relieving tension and stress, cranial osteopathy can help to reduce pain and discomfort and improve overall well-being.New paragraph

Another benefit of cranial osteopathy is its ability to support the development of the nervous system. The gentle manipulations used in cranial osteopathy can help to stimulate the nervous system and promote healthy development. This can be especially important for babies who are still developing their nervous systems.

Understanding the Cranial Osteopathy Process

The cranial osteopathy process typically begins with an assessment of the child or baby's medical history and current health status. The osteopath will then use gentle touch and pressure to assess the movement of the cranial bones and the flow of CSF. Based on their assessment, they will develop a treatment plan that is tailored to the child or baby's specific needs.

During the treatment session, the osteopath will use gentle manipulations to restore normal movement and balance to the cranial bones and the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord. This may involve gentle pressure on specific areas of the skull or spine, or it may involve gentle movements of the arms or legs. The goal of the treatment is to promote healing and improve overall well-being.

Cranial osteopathy for babies and children

What to Expect During Your Child's Cranial Osteopathy Session

During your child's cranial osteopathy session, you can expect a gentle and non-invasive experience. The osteopath will use gentle touch and pressure to assess the movement of the cranial bones and the flow of CSF. They will then use gentle manipulations to restore normal movement and balance to the cranial bones and the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord.

Your child may feel some gentle pressure or movement during the session, but this should not be uncomfortable.

The session may last anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the child's needs.

After the session, your child may feel more relaxed and calm. They may also experience some changes in their body, such as improved digestion, better sleep, or improved motor function. These changes are a sign that the body is responding positively to the treatment.

Cranial osteopathy for babies and children

Frequently Asked Questions about Cranial Osteopathy

Here are some frequently asked questions about cranial osteopathy:

  1. Is cranial osteopathy safe for children and babies? Yes, cranial osteopathy is a safe and non-invasive therapy that can be used for children and babies.
  2. How many sessions of cranial osteopathy will my child need? The number of sessions will depend on your child's specific needs. Some children may only require a few sessions, while others may require more.
  3. Will cranial osteopathy be painful for my child? No, cranial osteopathy should not be painful for your child. The manipulations used in cranial osteopathy are gentle and non-invasive.
  4. Can cranial osteopathy help with colic and reflux? Yes, cranial osteopathy can be beneficial for children and babies who are experiencing colic, reflux, and other digestive issues.

If you are considering cranial osteopathy for your child or baby, I encourage you to speak with a qualified cranial osteopath to learn more about the potential benefits.

Other Health Benefits of Cranial Osteopathy

In addition to its benefits for children and babies, cranial osteopathy can also be beneficial for adults. It can help to relieve tension and stress in the body, improve posture and alignment, and promote overall well-being.

Cranial osteopathy can also be beneficial for people who are experiencing chronic pain or other health issues. By promoting healing and improving overall function, cranial osteopathy can help to reduce pain and improve quality of life.

The Importance of Maintaining Good Health for Children and Babies

Maintaining good health is important for children and babies, as it can help to support healthy growth and development. This includes eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and staying active. Regular check-ups with a healthcare provider can also help to ensure that your child is growing and developing properly.

If your child is experiencing health issues, such as colic, reflux, or developmental delays, cranial osteopathy may be a safe and effective way to help them overcome these issues. By promoting healing and improving overall well-being, cranial osteopathy can help to support healthy growth and development.


Cranial osteopathy is a safe and effective way to support the health and well-being of children and babies. By restoring normal movement and balance to the cranial bones and the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord, cranial osteopathy can help to improve the function of the nervous system and promote healing throughout the body.

If you are considering cranial osteopathy for your child or baby, I encourage you to speak with a qualified cranial osteopath to learn more about the potential benefits.

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